If you have any questions that aren’t listed above, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.
Overcoming Codependency
(8 Week Class)
People who suffer from codependency tendencies are some of the most compassionate, empathetic and caring people you'll meet. They fix, rescue, care-take, enable and give of their time and energy.
Unfortunately, often times codependent people are blind to their own needs and often feel used, abused and taken advantage of.
Do you feel responsible for other people’s feelings, thoughts or well being?
Do you feel trapped, hopeless or helpless in your relationship/s?
Do you consider yourself a people pleaser or have difficulty saying no to others?
Do you find yourself providing help and/or advice without being asked?
Do you engage in a pattern whereby you give or overextend yourself only to feel angry or resentful when your sacrifices are not appreciated or reciprocated?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may benefit from this class.
Learning how to set boundaries with others
Learning how to stop allowing guilt and/or anxiety to drive your decisions
Learning how to identify manipulative and maladaptive dynamics
Learning assertive communication
Learning how to tune in to your own emotions and needs
Learning how to regulate your emotions and reactivity
Learning alternative coping skills/self-care
Learning how to self validate and improve self esteem